Многозажимные фитинги серии RM Multigas

Полный ассортимент пресс-фитингов для удобного и безопасного выполнения линий газораспределения из многослойных труб. Возможность прессования с различными профилями.

Многозажимные фитинги серии RM Multigas

Easy, flexible and safe connection

Just like we did for the water-distribution version (> see RM fittings), we put all our extensive expertise in the production of the RM GAS fittings to make installers’ work easier and safe.

  • CW617N - EN 12165 forged brass body with beveled hose connection to ease the pipe insertion
  • Double yellow O-Ring in HNBR, complying with EN 549 and EN 682, fit for gas and GPL distribution
  • AISI 304 stainless-steel compression bush, tapered to ease the pipe insertion

Bushes are marked with the caption “RM GAS Series” and two yellow stickers to show that they are fittings specific for gas distribution.

The corresponding pipe size is printed clearly on the stainless-steel bush.


raccordo RM gas e setto isolante

  • CW617N - EN 12164 brass bush ring with openings to check the proper connection of the pipe
  • Insulation spacer for multilayer pipe fitting with aluminum, to prevent electrochemical corrosions by contact with the brass body-fitting
  • RM GAS is a press fitting adaptable to the most common and different pressing profiles (TH, H, U).